Keep It Short and Clear.
Many speakers are eager to share all their hard-gained knowledge with their audience. They know so much about their area of expertise that they want to make sure they get it all across to the listeners. This can result in a confusing presentation with every minute packed with details. The audience comes away, exhausted from all the data.
We are all suffering from information overload, so keep it simple. Whether you are teaching a class, making a video, giving a presentation, or hosting a workshop, remind yourself that your listeners have a limited attention span.
Make a list of everything you would like to share and then ask yourself the question: if my listeners remember nothing else, what are the top 3/5/7 points I’d like them to retain. Start there and tailor according to your time allowance.
Take each point and focus on sharing it clearly and concisely. Cut out all extraneous details; you can be both brief and comprehensive.